NDIS & NOVA Employment

warehouse worker with disability

The National Disability Insurance Scheme

The National Disability Insurance Scheme gives job seekers the opportunity to have choice and control over their supports. That means you get to choose a provider that will work out the best for you and choose the goals that are important to you. NOVA Employment believes that there is no better goal to have in your plan than employment. NOVA provides wrap around supports that help you to:

NOVA accepts NDIS School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES) funding, and is the ideal partner for your employment related supports. NOVA accepts both SLES and other categories of NDIS Funding to achieve your employment related goals.

NOVA Transition 21Up

NOVA’s preparation for employment supports consist of a combination of group and individual employment preparation supports to help you gain employment in the community including developing work skills, life skills, travel training, work experience, Individual transition planning sessions, resumes, interview skills, developing a working lifestyle and much more.

NOVA Transition 21Up is specifically designed for people 21 years and up who need more intensive support to prepare for employment before participating in a DES program. It consists of a combination of group and individual employment preparation supports to help you develop a working lifestyle and get ready for work. Employment is the overall goal, and over 80% of participants will gain employment in the general community.

man in front of forklift

The National Disability Insurance Scheme

If you are a School student we can also assist you with our School to Employment Pathways Package that includes:

Once you have left school, our NOVA Transition package includes:

NOVA Employment has been providing disability employment related supports since 1990. If employment is one of your goals, come and talk to us about your NDIS plan.

For more information, please contact our NDIS team on 1300 ABILITY (1300 224 548).